Friday, December 15, 2006

End of the week

Thank goodness it is Friday! This has been a very busy week.

I gave my final exam on Tuesday evening and had everything graded by Wednesday afternoon!! I'm done!!

Wednesday night was the Christmas Party for the Young Adult Group at my church. It was hosted at Chris' house which meant a lot of work for him and some work for me. But now that's over too.

Work the past two days has also been very busy!! But I have to say that I am finally caught up typing minutes from several meetings, calculating statistics from November, and preparing things for future meetings. I even had a meeting with one of my staff today on her yearly evaluation. Two more next week and then those are done! (Then I have to do my self-evaluation ... ugh!)

I love this time of year! It's busy, there is a lot to do, but you see a lot of things wrapping up. Tonight: dinner and bowling with friends. A great way to relax after a long week.

Tomorrow: wedding dress shopping! Please pray for me!

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