Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Pregnancy Update: Week 29

How far along: 29 weeks.  Wow!  I don't think anyone thought we'd make it this far!  Also, I'd estimate that we are measuring at 37 weeks (since we've been about 8 weeks ahead the whole time).  Hubby commented to me yesterday that when he saw me dressing earlier in the day he thought I looked like a full-term pregnant woman.  I'm feeling like it, too!

How big are babies: The babies weigh approximately 2 and a half pounds, about the same as a butternut squash, and they are each a little over 15 inches from head to heel.  My guess, based on our previous ultrasounds is that the babies are probably about a quarter pound more than this.  But we'll find out next week.  Their size is also starting to show more and more, not just in the size of my belly, but in my ability to move easily or reach my feet.

Survival chances: This is the same as last week: Babies born at 28 weeks to 31 weeks, 6 days have a 95% chance of survival.  Severe or moderate disability among survivors has dropped to 12% while minor disability among survivors remains the same at 25%.  (Gunter, The Preemie Primer, 2010)

Weight gain: Haven't been weighed since last week, but I'm sure it's gone up some.  We'll find out on Monday.

Cravings: I don't think I've had any.  Went to a dinner with some friends the other night and they both assumed I would choose the place based on my cravings.  Sorry!  Not many cravings going on.  On the other hand, as Hubby left for work this morning I told him I wanted some sort of cranberry juice (cran-grape, cran-cherry, I don't really care).  My throat has been sore the last couple days so I think it has more to do with drinking something that makes my throat feel better.  But the cranberry juice commercials on TV with the guys standing in the cranberry bogs may have also effected my choice!

Aversions: Still nothing here either.  Guess I'm easy to please (which I know Hubby appreciates).

Belly button: It's stretched out and popping out.  It just looks weird.

Movement: Lots of movement!! I'm starting to actually see little waves on my belly in addition to the little bumps and kicks I feel during the day.  They also like to get active when I lay down at night.

Leg cramps: Woohoo, none still!  Restless Leg (and arm) Syndrome, however, is what is mostly bothering me.  Sometimes it's at night when I go to bed, but, more often than not, I have it while sitting on the couch.  Ugh!  I'm trying to make sure I get plenty of protein during the day and I try to move my legs around as much as possible.  I just need to remember to do some sort of leg stretches every day.  It's so easy to forget!

Sleeping: I keep thinking it can't get any worse.  And then it does.  It has become a chore to move from my left side to my right side.  I've also discovered that I can lay on my right side and deal with my right arm falling asleep (who knew that the tendinitis I had from 20 years of clarinet playing would still plague me even after 2 1/2 years of not playing!) or I can lay on my left side and deal with back pain.  Numb limbs vs. back pain?  Not an easy decision, but I also can't lay in one position all night long either.  So I switch during the night, but, like I said, ... IT. IS. NOT. EASY.  I've basically learned that I almost have to get out of bed in order to reposition myself.  That is, if I can get myself up into a sitting position to begin with.  I think I'm in for several long weeks ahead!

Ultrasound: Next growth ultrasound is going to be this coming Monday, April 11.  I don't know when we're doing another cervical length check ultrasound.  And that's fine with me!

Appointment: Next appointment is also this coming Monday, April 11.  I'll be seeing a new doctor since my doctor is now on maternity leave.

Notable this week: We moved furniture out of the guest room, packed up a bunch of extra stuff, painted the (now old) guest room, and fixed up the office so it looks more like an office and less like a storage room.  My sister and her husband came up to help us and we got so much work done!!  The old guest room is going to be the nursery.  It is currently empty, but we'll be ordering furniture soon and before you know it, it is going to look like a baby room.  It's going to be so weird to see a nursery in our house, especially one with two cribs in it!

1 comment:

  1. A Trick for rolling over at this stage in the game:
    Grab hold of you waistband or nightie with the arm opposite of the side you want to be on. pull out away from your body as you turn and it helps roll you over!
