Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Pregnancy Update: Week 22

It's been a busy two weeks since my last pregnancy update. We've moved into a new house during these last two weeks and everything with the pregnancy seems to be going well. It's weird to be in this place where everything is going well. Nothing has ever been going well at this point in any previous pregnancy. So yeah, weird.

How far along: 22 weeks!! When I was pregnant with the boys I was home on bedrest at this point after just having had a cerclage put in because I had already dilated 2 cm. And when I was pregnant with Zachary my water broke at 22 weeks and he passed about 24 hours later. So I'm both excited to be this far along with no major issues and nervous at the same time. Like I said above, just feels weird.

Pregnancy Symptoms: Not much of any. I am careful about getting enough potassium and drinking plenty of water, which seems (knock on wood) to be staving off any leg cramps. I still have some restless legs at times. Trying to find sources of magnesium for that, but that's a bit more difficult. Otherwise, this is probably the easiest pregnancy I've ever had!

Food aversions/cravings: Still nothing. I can't count chocolate, that's just a perpetual craving. :)

Weight gain: I think I'm just barely hitting the 10 pound mark. Not quite 10 yet, but close. Not too bad being a little over half way into the pregnancy now.

Maternity clothes: I complained last time about the stretchy band on the top of maternity pants. Well, I retired those pants and am now wearing the ones with the huge front that comes up over the belly. I'm still not quite big enough for them yet, so they slide down some, but it's better than having that low-ride band cutting into my tummy.

Belly Button: almost completely flat. The turkey timer hasn't popped yet, though.

Baby Movement: I'm finally feeling something!! So great to actually feel baby move. Actually, on Tuesday I was in an informational session at work. I was sitting in the last row of an auditorium filled with about 100 or so people from all across campus. I could feel the baby moving and even spent some time watching my belly to see if I could actually see movement. I think I did, but it was very slight. No meeting can hold my attention over feeling or seeing my baby move.

Ultrasound/Appointment: I had an ultrasound last week to check my cervix. My mother went with me since she was here helping us move. We took a break to go to my appointment and got to see the baby moving around and sucking on his or her fingers. It was very cool. I was hoping that everything was going to be fine. I kept imaging being sent over to the hospital in the midst of our move. Luckily, that didn't happen and my cervix is still over 4 cm in length. It feels like a miracle!! I also had a regular appointment early this week and everything is still good on that front. Those are the easy appointments: chat with doctor, listen to heartbeat, leave. Even so, always nice to hear that heartbeat! The plan from here: one more cervical check at 23 weeks and then they'll probably stop checking. I will probably get one more ultrasound around 32 weeks to check the placenta position (it's currently slightly covering the cervix). I have my next regular appointment in early September along with the glucose thing and then my appointments start getting closer together. No one has mentioned NSTs yet, but I am guessing they'll want to do some, maybe not as many as I had the last time, but given that I'm considered high risk for my age (not just all my other previous issues) I'm guessing there will be some to look forward to down the road.

Names: Sorry, we're not sharing. We have a girl name picked out. Actually, we've had a girl name picked out for five years, maybe longer. Boy names have always been much harder for us to agree on. But a boy name came to me this week and as I turned it over in my head I liked it more and more. It felt right. I knew sharing it with Hubby was probably going to get a negative reaction. And it did. But I really like this one. So now it's his job to come up with something different. If not, I think we'll be going with this name! You'll have to wait until baby comes to hear the name we've chosen. Yes, I'm a tease. ;)

Other things of note: I'm still in disbelief that we are this far along and my cervix is at normal length. It's totally unexpected. At least to me. I'm starting to seriously consider the future with this baby, something I didn't do with the boys until I was well past 32 weeks. On my list: find my breastfeeding books (remember we just moved) and pray that it works this time, look into baby carriers (something I never bothered to do with the twins), talk to someone I know who teaches NFP about the post-partum class CCL now offers, start investigating cloth diapers yet again (much to Hubby's dismay, I haven't given up on this possibility!!), and check into labor and birth classes offered by my hospital (something else I never bothered with when pregnant with the twins).

I'll do another update next week after the next ultrasound. Thanks to all those who are keeping us in their prayers! 

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