Monday, February 14, 2011

Couch Duty Day One

My accomplishments for the first day of bed rest includes:
  1. Read the Sunday paper, pretty much the whole thing
  2. Did the Sudoku puzzles in both last Sunday's paper and this Sunday's paper
  3. Read our diocesan paper: the one that just came out; I'm usually at least a month behind!
  4. Coupons: Got rid of all the expired coupons, clipped two weeks worth of new coupons, and organized them all in my coupon file
  5. Internet: Read email, Facebook, and some blogs
  6. Emailed some with work: leaving at evaluation time is a bit tough, plus figuring out my medical leave in a way that I will still have something left once the babies are actually here.
  7. Sorted laundry: no heavy lifting, I promise.  I had hubby dump the hamper out before he left this morning and bring the laundry basket up to our bedroom.  That way I could sit on the floor, sort, and put one load in the basket.  He took care of the lifting and actual washing tonight when he got home.
  8. Took a shower!!  My hair actually looks  normal for the first time in days!!
I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:25 PM

    I had to go on bed rest, but was only allowed to get up to go to the bathroom or get something to eat, and I couldn't be sitting straight up. It was only for 2 weeks though. Here's to hoping to don't go stir crazy, but your body is better for it!...Chris L
