Thursday, April 03, 2014

Small Success Thursday, No. 5

I'm actually writing this post. I almost didn't.

I cleaned our kitchen floor last night. It had been getting the short end of the stick for a little too long. It doesn't help that I hate the bright white tile floor we have and that I have two two year old toddlers who don't know how to keep food on the table. The ants are started finding their way in again (had that problem last year too). So I swept, vacuumed, and mopped. This morning? No ants. Success!!

I managed to get myself together enough to think about Easter this year. I totally slacked on a few Christmas things this past year (though the whole having a baby thing probably gives me a good excuse) and missed some birthdays and such in the new year. But I'm on the ball now!! I got some Easter gifts for a few precious people in our lives and even ordered some birthday gifts for the boys for the end of May. We won't talk about the fact that I still have a few thank you notes to write and I just last night flipped over my birthday calendar to April and realized that birthday season is going into full force this month.

Bonus #4
I rearranged part of our basement space to create a small space for myself. I set up our card table in a corner and bought a three-drawer, plastic storage unit to put next to it. I moved all my cards, card filing boxes, envelope boxes, and all the gift wrap stuff to that area. I still need to do a bit more organizing, but not I have a spot to wrap gifts and write out cards (and maybe letters??). And I could use it for other things as well. It's in a storage space in the basement, but that's okay with me. I was very pleased with my little set up.

What are your small successes this week? I'm linking this post up with Small Success Thursday at

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