Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Final Countdown

My doctor appointment on Monday went well.  I'll elaborate the details in my Wednesday update.  But to give you a quick sneak preview, things are moving along!  We may be meeting our babies this week!!

Knowing that this is now a very real possibility and that we are in the final countdown, I thought it would be a good idea to take one last pregnancy shot.  So here I am ...

35 weeks, 5 days with twins


  1. wow! You look great--- we all can't wait to see them on your blog--- I hope you publish the names

  2. Rub, rub, rub!!! :)

  3. Thanks!! I will post pictures and names for sure!! Pictures probably wn't come until after we get home, but I'll post details as soon as we have informed family and, of course, I am able to. :)

  4. So beautiful! I can't wait to see the baby that can make a mom glow the way you are in that picture! Such a gift! Prayers.

  5. You look GORGEOUS, although it seems a feat to be standing with all that 'baby ballast' out front! You are in my prayers, lifting up all four of you daily!

  6. Awww! You all are so sweet. I feel like a whale! Hahaha!!
