Monday, October 05, 2009

So Many Books ...

... so little time. I'm always buying books, so many things I want to read! But I never seem to have the time to read much. Plus, there are all the magazines, newsletters, and other things that come in the mail that I feel compelled to read.

It's really a never-ending, vicious cycle! One I constantly convince myself I can conquer.

I'm still working on it (maybe I need therapy?). And will probably be working on it for years and years to come! So what is it I'm actually reading these days?

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
I'm enjoying this book so far. Have always wanted to read something by Lewis (besides the Narnia Chronicles). I happened to find this book in a used book store and the cheaper price convinced me to go ahead and purchase it (as well as another, who just buys one book). I'm about three quarters of the way through. I'm finding it interesting, it's a good general overview of Christianity, but definitely doesn't get into any big issues. At least not so far. At the moment this is my Monday morning book to bring to adoration with me. More when I actually finish.

101 Inspirational Stories of the Priesthood
This is a book I bought several years ago and I'm finally getting around to reading it. I actually suggested this book to my small Cursillo group and so we're all reading it at the same time. This book, and several others like it, are compiled by a Poor Clare Sister in Washington State. They are a series of stories submitted by people all over the world, though most of them are in the U.S. It's great because the stories are anywhere from half a page to 3-4 pages. Nothing too long, all just interesting stories from regular people about priests who have made an impact in their lives. My husband and I have started reading a story or two each night before bed.

Saint Gianna Molla: Wife, Doctor, Mother by Pietro Molla, Elio Guerriero
I picked up this book recently after an encounter I had with a relic of St. Gianna. I wanted to know more about her and this book seemed like a great way to start. I have only read the Forward, Preface, and Introduction so far. I've already learned that she is the first married Catholic woman to be canonized. There have been women who were widows, but not one who was married when she died. Her husband is still alive and he and her children were at her canonization in 2004. I'm looking forward to reading more about this incredible woman.

At the moment my other reading consists of all newspapers, newsletters, and magazines we get in the mail regularly. But I have a stack of things I am waiting to read, not to mention the unread items on my bookshelves. Up next will be:

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
7 Secrets of the Eucharist by Vinny Flynn
The Return to the Prodigal Son: a Story of Homecoming by Henri Nouwen
Saved in Hope (Spe Salvi), encyclical letter by Pope Benedict XVI
Charity in Truth (Caritas in Veritate), encyclical letter by Pope Benedict XVI

Like I said: So many books, so little time!!

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