How far along? 40 weeks and 1 day (due date was yesterday!).
How big is baby: According to
Baby Center, baby is roughly 7 and a half pounds (about the size of a small pumpkin) and 20 inches long.
Cravings/Aversions: None to speak of at this time.
Belly button: still MIA.
Movement: Plenty!!
Leg cramps/Restlessness: Pleased to report that leg cramps have remained at bay. The restlessness is still incredibly annoying.
Sleep: Looking forward to sleeping more comfortably again ... one day.
Weight gain: Probably around 26 pounds, but I can't say I've been keeping track very well in recent weeks.
Appointment: I had an appointment with Dr. H on Monday which went well. She did check and found that I have not dilated at all yet. I'm kind of shocked that I haven't dilated at all. After our concern with my cervix shortening around 21/22 weeks, it's very surprising. Totally not what I expected to hear. We talked a bit about my wishes for the birth and we also talked about the possibility of a c-section should I go too long. I'm praying that doesn't happen. Next appointment is this coming Monday.
NST: My NST on Monday also went well. Baby always cooperates and I'm usually not there more than 30 minutes. Next NST is Thursday (today!) along with an ultrasound to check fluid levels.
To-Do List: Just what still needs to be done:
- Go through newborn clothes
- Finish packing hospital bag (I've started, at least)
Believe it or not, I think these are the only things on my list. I must be forgetting something! LOL!!
The Big Brothers: The boys have a Christmas program at their school tonight. They've been practicing every morning at school. Hubby came home tonight and told me that one of the teachers said they are doing really well with the bells they have and saying "hey!" at the appropriate time (I assume in "Jingle Bells"). As much as I want to go into labor, I'd like to be able to see the boys program. It's sure to be cute!! After that, come on Baby!! Hopefully I'll have pictures and maybe some video to share of the Christmas program.
Prayers: First asking for prayers that my body starts doing something soon. I want to avoid a c-section as much as possible. So prayers that I go into labor spontaneously very soon and that fluid levels look good at my ultrasound. Also, prayers for my prayer buddy A. She's going through a rough time and could use lots of prayers. Thank you!