Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Joy Moments (5)

Ever since the surgery I had, almost 10 weeks ago now, my husband and I have not stayed after Mass on Sundays for any of the social events (doughnuts & coffee or the K of C pancake breakfast).  Our routine has consisted of Hubby dropping me off at the front door and going to park the car while I make my way down to the front pew.  After Mass he goes back to get the car and I slowly make my way back to the front door where Hubby picks me up.

But this week we stayed after Mass.  It was a nice change!!  Following Mass we headed over to the main hall where I made a quick stop in the restroom while Hubby went to get some doughnuts for us.  Some friends of ours were busy selling tickets for an upcoming event, so their three kids were sitting at an activity table coloring.  When I came into the hall their youngest, who is also my Goddaughter, came right over to me and gave me a big hug!!  Ah, so sweet!  She's not quite 4 years old and I think it might be the first time she has done that without any kind of prompting from one of her parents.  It warmed my heart!  She's such a cutie!!

Did you have a Joy Moment (big or small) from this past week that you want to share?  Blog about it on your own blog and post the link to your post here in the comments section (and include a link in your own post back to this one).  Or, for those without blogs, share your Joy Moment in the comments here. Looking forward to hearing every one's Joy Moments!!


  1. I'm glad you made it to coffee and donuts :)

    My joy moment---tonight will be night 33 that our almost 2 year old slept in her crib in the girl room!!! Yay- and she is sleeping better, too

  2. Jenny Spalding5:35 PM

    MY joy moments: No damage form last night's storms and a surprise visit from my very good friend from Lexington today.
